Kalite & Çevre & İsg Politikaları

Kalite & Çevre & İsg Politikaları

Quality & Environment & Occupational Health Policies HB Group Quality & Environment & Occupational Health Policies Infrastructure Superstructure Construction Contracting, Maintenance-Repair, Restoration, Electrical Mechanical Installation Works of Buildings and Exteriors; 

Our company, which operates in the restoration of historical monuments; 

To ensure continuous customer satisfaction by supplying materials to meet the needs and expectations of our customers, To carry out collection, separation and recovery activities by using appropriate resources and technology, taking into account environmental effects and risks, To continue its activities as a company, to comply with the requirements of the Quality & Environment & OHSAS Management systems and to ensure that they are constantly reviewed and improved, To be in contact with customers, suppliers, official and other organizations in matters related to Quality & Environment & OHS and to provide support in necessary matters, Using natural resources efficiently To reduce environmental pollution by keeping the environmental aspects under control, To work on continuous improvement and development of quality and to increase efficiency, To provide continuous training and motivation to all our employees regarding Quality & Environment & OHS, It is aware of its responsibility and undertakes to do what is necessary to create a safe and healthy environment.